外刊例句 In 2009, a few months after Mr Siebel had launched a new startup, he was trampled by an elephant while on safari in Tanzania. 2009年,西贝尔先生又创立一家新的创业公司,几个月后他去坦桑尼亚游猎,期间遭一头大象踩踏。 ——《经济学人》 Fifty years after her own first safari, a grandmother takes her adult granddaughter on a trip to Kenya, hoping to pass along her passion. 一位祖母在她首次游猎的五十年后,带着她的成年孙女前往肯尼亚旅行,希望将自己的热情传递下去。 ——《纽约时报》 基本释义
[noun] an expedition to observe or hunt animals in their natural habitat, especially in East Africa [名词] 在(尤其是东非的)动物自然栖息地观察或捕猎动物的探险
对果粉们来说,safari 是一个相当熟悉的单词,因为苹果操作系统默认自带的网页浏览器就叫做 Safari 。
之所以取名该词,是因为 safari 源自东非的斯瓦希里语,用来表示“观兽旅行、游猎”,尤指在东部或南部非洲的未开发地区进行的观赏、拍摄或捕猎野生动物的探险旅行,比如:
他想进行一次观兽旅行,拍摄一些长颈鹿和狮子的照片。 He'd like to go on safari to photograph giraffes and lions.
从这个概念出发, safari 还常用来引申指“长途旅游、科学考察”,尤指以发现新事物或者获得奖品、奖杯等为目的的旅行,比如:
北极考察 an Arctic safari 去非洲旅行摄影 go on a photographic safari to Africa
此外, safari 也可以用来表示“旅游队、游猎队、科学考察队”。
值得注意的是, safari 读作 [səˈfɑːri] ,而不要想当然地将其误读成[ˈsæfəri]。
名人名言 There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne — bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive. 游猎生活有种特质会让你忘掉所有的悲伤,感觉就像喝了半瓶香槟一样——对自己活着充满由衷的感激。 出自丹麦著名现代作家、《走出非洲》(Out of Africa)作者凯伦·布里克森(Karen Blixen)。
同近义词 excursion: a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity jaunt: a short excursion or journey made for pleasure voyage: a long journey involving travel by sea or in space