小雪是中国传统二十四节气(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第二十个节气,英文表达为Minor Snow。
据《群芳谱》记载:“小雪气寒而将雪矣,地寒未甚而雪未大也。”实际上, “小雪”是指寒潮和强冷空气活动频数较高的节气,跟气象学上“降雪量”的多少并不完全相同。
Minor Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in China's northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop. “小雪”意味着中国北部大部分地区有初雪飘落,温度持续走低。 The light snow freezes at night, but melts quickly during the day. 雪花轻盈,晚间凝结,但白天迅速融化。 节气、节日类
三伏天 dog days 惊蛰 Awakening of Insects 秋老虎 autumn tiger/Indian summer 梅雨季 Plum Rains season
春菜 spring vegetables 子姜鸭 sautéed duck with ginger shoots 青梅 green plum 粗粮 coarse grain
当归 angelica 川芎 ligusticum wallichii
赛龙舟 dragon boat race 斗蟋蟀 cricket fighting
梅花 plum blossom 荷花 lotus flower 芍药 Chinese herbaceous peony
A heavy rainfall makes the river full. 小满大满江河满。